Solar system RLTG-3

There are 2 systems 1 jump(s) away with security between -0.115 and -0.051

There are 3 systems 2 jump(s) away with security between -0.123 and -0.051

There are 4 systems 3 jump(s) away with security between -0.772 and -0.068

Systems 1 jump(s) away: 3DR-CR (-0.115), S-EVIQ (-0.051)

Systems 2 jump(s) away: H1-ESN (-0.123), EOY-BG (-0.067), PNS7-J (-0.051)

Systems 3 jump(s) away: IG-ZAM (-0.068), B3QP-K (-0.772), 1QH-0K (-0.070), OJ-A8M (-0.276)