Solar system Lanngisi

There are 3 systems 1 jump(s) away with security between 0.477 and 0.562

There are 5 systems 2 jump(s) away with security between 0.503 and 0.630

There are 4 systems 3 jump(s) away with security between 0.334 and 0.949

Systems 1 jump(s) away: Nakugard (0.521), Barkrik (0.562), Tvink (0.477)

Systems 2 jump(s) away: Hek (0.550), Traun (0.630), Inder (0.510), Uriok (0.503), Hjoramold (0.509)

Systems 3 jump(s) away: Otou (0.334), Uttindar (0.504), Hror (0.512), Eystur (0.949)