Solar system Jarzalad

There are 5 systems 1 jump(s) away with security between 0.554 and 0.725

There are 8 systems 2 jump(s) away with security between 0.563 and 0.811

There are 20 systems 3 jump(s) away with security between 0.489 and 0.858

Systems 1 jump(s) away: Nafomeh (0.709), Ahrosseas (0.577), Imeshasa (0.585), Pimsu (0.725), Matyas (0.554)

Systems 2 jump(s) away: Goram (0.597), Jarshitsan (0.571), Riramia (0.566), Khopa (0.810), Uanim (0.638), Elmed (0.811), Sacalan (0.563), Artoun (0.752)

Systems 3 jump(s) away: Murini (0.596), Thashkarai (0.611), Shaggoth (0.726), Ahmak (0.602), Penirgman (0.858), Joppaya (0.531), Tividu (0.573), Andabiar (0.607), Hoona (0.489), Jennim (0.850), Luromooh (0.626), Atoosh (0.630), Ebtesham (0.717), Adahum (0.608), Safizon (0.810), Ustnia (0.819), Hadonoo (0.601), Tendhyes (0.590), Yeeramoun (0.809), Mimen (0.527)