Solar system 25S-6P

There are 3 systems 1 jump(s) away with security between -0.978 and -0.640

There are 3 systems 2 jump(s) away with security between -1.000 and -0.709

There are 2 systems 3 jump(s) away with security between -0.660 and -0.572

Systems 1 jump(s) away: 6BPS-T (-0.829), RR-D05 (-0.978), FAT-6P (-0.640)

Systems 2 jump(s) away: CNC-4V (-0.709), Y-PNRL (-0.775), 4-07MU (-1.000)

Systems 3 jump(s) away: 49-U6U (-0.572), CZK-ZQ (-0.660)