Solar system Osmon

There are 3 systems 1 jump(s) away with security between 0.552 and 0.676

There are 6 systems 2 jump(s) away with security between 0.484 and 0.761

There are 5 systems 3 jump(s) away with security between 0.352 and 0.623

Systems 1 jump(s) away: Olo (0.676), Korsiki (0.643), Inaya (0.552)

Systems 2 jump(s) away: Uminas (0.484), Wuos (0.562), Airaken (0.504), Nuken (0.761), Obanen (0.562), Ishisomo (0.651)

Systems 3 jump(s) away: Airmia (0.623), Liekuri (0.601), Oijanen (0.352), Sakkikainen (0.595), Poinen (0.558)